Publications 2017


Articles in Law Journals and Collected Volumes

  • Bartolini G., Draft Articles della Commissione del diritto internazionale sulla ‘Protection of Persons in the Event of Disasters, in 100 Rivista di Diritto internazionale, pp. 677-718, (2017)
  • Bautista-Hernáez A.,  La relación entre la Unión Europea y sus Estados miembros en la respuesta a las catástrofes: el papel de España en el mecanismo europeo de protección civil, in Joaquín Alcaide F., Eulalia W. Petit de Gabriel (eds.), España y la Unión Europea en el orden internacional, Tirant lo Blanch, pp.1187-1198, (2017)
  • Bradley M., More than Misfortune: Recognizing Natural Disasters as a Concern for Transitional Justice, in  11 International Journal of Transitional Justice, pp. 400-420, (2017)
  • Kälin W., Klimaflüchtlinge oder Katastrophenvertriebene?, in 65 Vereinte Nationen, pp. 207-212, (2017)
  • Lisauskaite V., The Framework Convention on Civil Defence: Characteristics of Its Content and Application, in 8 Czech Yearbook of International Law,  pp. 195-203, (2017)
  • Morini C., Regional Mechanisms in the Field of Disaster Risk Management: An Overview of American and Asian Experiences, in E. Triggiani, F. Cherubini, I. Ingravallo, E. Nalin, R. Virzo (eds.), Dialoghi con Ugo Villani, Cacucci Editore, 2017
  • Sivakumaran S., Techniques in International Law-Making: Extrapolation, Analogy, Form and the Emergence of an International Law of Disaster Relief, in 28 European Journal of International Law (Forthcoming), (2017)
  • Tladi D., The International Law Commission’s Draft Articles on the Protection of Persons in the Event of Disasters: Codification, Progressive Development or Creation of Law from Thin Air?, in 16 Chinese Journal of International Law, pp. 425-451 (2017)
  • Witjes N., Olbrich P., Rebasso I., Big Data from Outer Space: Opportunities and Challenges for Crisis Response, in Yearbook on Space Policy 2015: Access to Space and the Evolution of Space Activities, Springer, pp. 215-225, (2017)

Reports & Working Papers
