Key Staff

Giulio Bartolini
Academic Coordinator
Associate Professor of International Law, Roma Tre Law Department. Prof. Bartolini holds a Ph.D. in International and EU Law and a Diploma in Human Rights Law by the European Law Academy, European University Institute.
He has focused his researches on disaster law, IHL, human rights law and history of international law. Editor-in-Chief of the Yearbook of International Disaster Law (Brill), responsible of training courses on disaster law for the IFRC and the Italian Red Cross, coordinator of the previous Jean Monnet Module ‘International and European Disaster Law’ and, in the past, legal assistant to the Special Rapporteur to the UN International Law Commission on the Protection of Persons in the Event of Disasters.

Isabelle Granger
Legislative Advocacy Coordinator at the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC). In this capacity she also directs and manages the Disaster Law Programme of the IFRC responsible through the central office regional offices to provide technical assistance to governments to strengthen their laws on disasters; support National Societies and other stakeholders on disaster law; and conducting research and advocacy in this area. In particular, Mrs. Granger has the responsibility for this Programme at the global level. Isabelle Granger is member of the Steering Committee of DILAW4E.

Dug Cubie
Dr Douglas (Dug) Cubie is a lecturer in the School of Law, University College Cork, Ireland, where he is the Director of the LLM in International Human Rights Law & Public Policy and the Deputy Director of the Centre for Criminal Justice and Human Rights (CCJHR). Dr Cubie has published extensively in the areas of humanitarian assistance, international disaster law and climate migration, and his monograph The International Legal Protection of Persons in Humanitarian Crises: Exploring the Acquis Humanitaire was published in 2017 by Hart Publishing (Oxford). Editor of the Yearbook of International Disaster Law. Dug Cubie is member of the Steering Committee of DILAW4E.

Marlies Hesselman
Lecturer in International Law at the Department of Transboundary Legal Studies of the Faculty of Law of the University of Groningen. Hesselman has published widely in the area of international and European disaster law with a particular focus on human rights law, disaster response, disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation. Hesselman is co-editor of the Yearbook on International Disaster Law and inter alia teaches International Disaster Law in the NOHA Programme’s Humanitarian Action Programme in Groningen. Marlies Hesselman is member of the Steering Committee of DILAW4E.

Milena-Maria Cisilino
Head of the IHL Commission of the Italian Red Cross, national focal point for international disaster law for this organization and Director of training courses on “International Disaster Response Law” managed by the Italian Red Cross since 2009 for the benefit of its staff, volunteers and other actors involved in international relief activities in case of calamities. Milena-Maria Cisilino is member of the Steering Committee of DILAW4E.

Jeanne Mifsud Bonnici
Full Professor at the Department of European and Economic Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Groningen. She holds the Chair in European Technology Law and Human Rights. Since 2010, she co-leads the STeP Research Group (Security, Technology and E-Privacy Group) with Prof. Joseph Cannataci.

Laura Di Gianfrancesco
Ph.D. candidate in International Law at the Law Department of Roma Tre University, in joint supervision with the University of Luxembourg. She is currently teaching assistant of the course Advanced International Law, where she coaches the Roma Tre University team participating to the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition, and of the International Humanitarian Law Legal Clinic.

Owen McIntyre
Professor and Director of Research, School of Law, University College Cork where he is also Director of the Centre for Law and the Environment and the LL.M. programme on ‘Environmental & Natural Resources Law’. His principal area of interest is Environmental Law, with a particular research focus on International Water Law. Since 2004, he has been a member of the Project Complaints Mechanism of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and in 2008 he was designated a member of the Scientific Committee of the European Environment Agency as an expert on European and International Environmental Law. In May 2010, he was appointed as Chair of the International Union for Conservation of Nature World Commission on Environmental Law’s Specialist Group on Water and Wetlands.

Tommaso Natoli
IRC/MSCA – CAROLINE Research Fellow, University College Cork (UCC). Previously Research fellow in International Law on the topic ‘International disaster law’ (2015-2018), Dr. Natoli research interests focus on international human rights law and international and European Disaster Law.

Giuseppe Palmisano
Full Professor of International Law at the University of Roma Tre, Department of Law, where he is also in charge of the “International Human Rights Law” course. He is a member and since 2015 President of the European Committee of Social Rights at the Council of Europe charged to monitor the application of the European Social Charter. For the National Research Council of Italy he has been Director of the Institute for International Legal Studies (2012-2018).

Alexandra Revez
Alexandra Revez is a Human Geographer and her work has focused on key public participation issues linked to environmental, disaster management and social care policy with a focus in Europe. Dr. Revez has extensive experience in integrating and bridging different strands of knowledge through a commitment to interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research and teaching. She is currently a Senior Postdoctoral Researcher in UCC.

Alice Riccardi
Assistant Professor of International Law, Roma Tre Law Department where she is responsible of the Legal Clinic on human rights and refugee law. She has published extensively in the area of international criminal law and human rights law.

Mirko Sossai
Associate Professor of international law at the Law Department of the Roma Tre University, where he teaches law of international organisations. He has been the coordinator of the international law moot court activities. He has published extensively in the area of international organisations and security law.