The IFRC, in cooperation with the Jean Monnet Project ‘Disseminating Disaster Law for Europe’ developed the Disaster Law Database, the world’s largest collection of documents relating to disaster law.
The Disaster Law Database was established to bring together in one place the resources needed for practitioners and academics working in the field of disaster law. The materials in the Disaster Law Database come from international, regional and domestic levels, and from a wide range of actors including states, international organisations, the IFRC and academic institutions.
The Database is organised by the following four categories:
– Documents of international organisations
– Documents of transnational private actors
– Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement documents
– Treaties
All documents are available in PDF format and, where available, translations are provided.
The Disaster Law Database is an initiative of IFRC Disaster Law and Roma Tre University’s Jean Monnet Project ‘Disseminating Disaster Law for Europe’. The Database was developed by: Prof. Giulio Bartolini, Dr. Eleonora Branca and Dr. Carlo De Stefano of Roma Tre University, with support from Dr. Dug Cubie of University College Cork; and by Isabelle Granger and Rachel Macleod of IFRC Disaster Law.